Open Conference Systems, Kainua 2017

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Understanding Etruscan Art and architecture through 3D Modeling: the case of Volterra
Emanuele Taccola, Lisa Rosselli

Last modified: 2017-03-21


Nowadays, archaeology and modern 3D modeling and representation technologies form an unbreakable bond, considered essential and indispensable by many experts and scholars. Although with different goals and purposes, new hardware and software available and specially designed web platforms allow the archaeologist adequately trained to create, visualize, analyze, and share 3D data derived from computer graphics or from image- and range-based acquisition procedures.

Currently, a very important topic is the relationship between user and 3D model: from the simple passive fruition, we are moving more and more towards a real interaction within immersive virtual environments. In this sense, the contribution of the archaeologist is critical to determine what to display and what interact with, according to the end user and his skills and knowledge.

In fact, the following study cases related to sites, monuments and artifacts of the Etruscan town of Volterra represent the evolution of this interaction relationship, helping to make the fruition of archaeological evidences, that at present are still difficult to access and understanding, easier and more interesting.