Open Conference Systems, Kainua 2017

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Gropello Cairoli (PV): Computer Applications for historic-topographical synthesis
Sara Loreto

Last modified: 2017-03-21


From an archaeological perspective, one of the sites that best represents the western area of the province of Pavia, Lomellina, is Gropello C., due to the high numbers of discoveries, which had already begun towards the end of the 19th century. Archaeological data chiefly concerns the necropolises, located in various parts of Gropello, while traces regarding settlements are scarcer. The chronological span goes from the end of the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD.

Until now, the attention of experts has been focused principally on the detailed analysis of single necropolises and on the numerous funerary furnishings, while a general overview of the development of Gropello has rarely been offered.

A reconstruction of the chronological evolution of the territory and a historical-topographical synthesis has been proposed using Database Management System and Geographical Information System. All available spatial data, consisting of historical maps, aerial photos and sketches, was inserted in the GIS platform and the single burials were georeferenced, wherever possible, using the system of topographic overlay. At the same time all the information of non-spatial type, including, in this case, the data relative to the artifacts and the burials, was fed into a specially created Relational Database.

After linking the DB to the GIS platform, it has been possible to create specific queries, underlining particular chronological phases and analyzing the distribution of the evidence. The interpretation of the resulting data has suggested the presence of a wide-spread distribution of small settlements, with the funerary areas along the roadsides.

An important demographic growth between the second half of the 1st century BC and the first half of the 1st century AD is evident, after which there is a slow decline suggested by the increasing rarity of archaeological findings.